Carpet is a vital element in your home that came under heavy traffic, spillages, dust, and stains, hence should be quickly treated. There is a good reason that majority of carpet manufacturers recommend to have your carpet steam-cleaned by professional once or twice in a year, depending on the mass of traffic over it. Using the hot water extraction or steam carpet cleaning system, you not only ensure that dirt and debris are removed from your carpet, but will bring the sparkling beauty to the carpets as well.
The process of Steam cleaning work starts with pre-treating the carpet to loosen dirt and debris. Then, the steam carpet cleaning technicians in Indian Trail NC will use a super high-pressure wand that forces very hot water (over 200 degrees Fahrenheit) in form of “steam” down into the carpet. This action is followed by immediately vacuuming out the steamy water to remove the darts and debris that has been loosened by the pre-treatment process.
The most powerful steam carpet cleaning equipment on the market is truck-mounted extraction systems. You should look for a company who offers this. The professional steam carpet cleaning technicians in Indian Trail NC have their own truck-mounted extraction systems along with other latest advanced equipment. These are most effective for removing allergens, bacteria, dust, fungus, and of course dirt and debris that may be stocked in your carpet.
Professional steam carpet cleaning technicians in Indian Trail NC also kept portable steam carpet cleaning extraction system where a large portable hot water extraction unit is used to perform the service. They seem to be very effective, and a nice substitute to dry cleaning when you live in a high-rise or condo where the truck-mounted unit cannot be accessed.

Most carpet manufacturers require proof of steam-cleaning to maintain your warranty. This is because the cleaning residue and debris can actually work as miniature claws and break down the fiber of your carpet! People may think that steam carpet cleaning may cause mold or mildew growth, carpet shrinkage or warping, or other damage such as split seams. In fact, there is no research to back up such claims. Research shows quite the opposite compared to other methods of carpet cleaning process. Therefore is the favorite of manufacturers.
Risks of damage to the carpet arise when, the cleaning company uses substandard cleaning products, unskilled technicians who are under-experienced or lack of knowledge. That will never happen at a reputed steam carpet cleaning company in Indian Trail NC! Experienced and trained professional of steam carpet cleaning Company in Indian Trail NC know which method and chemicals to use to get the right result whilst protecting the longevity of your carpet. They are also well known for their best quality services with lots of satisfactory customer reviews
The carpet cleaning methods other than steam cleaning process could leave residue on your carpet, and therefore reduce the lifetime of your carpet in long run! Do not be tempted by lower prices or convenience as it will cost you much more in form of time and money in the long-run.
Nothing is going to harm or damage to your carpet if getting it done through a professionals cleaning company like Mr. Clean Carpet Cleaning. All you have to do is call our number (704)790-9025 and we will be happy to solve all your steam carpet cleaning in Indian Trail NC and nearby areas within no time!